Topps Tiles competition

I love being asked to enter competitions that involve being given resources that I would never usually buy or pick myself as it forces me to think in a different way and come up with new ideas. This time round, Topps Tiles sent me some mosaic tiles and glue and asked me to craft an item using the tiles. This was pretty tricky as I wouldn’t have chosen the colours that I was sent so I had to think hard. Here’s what I came up with…

How to make a mosaic tiled tray

I was sent two sheets of tiles and a couple of bottles of mosaic tile glue, which is pretty great stuff.

How to make a mosaic tiled tray

I decided to mosaic the base of a plain, wooden tray. I started by painting the tray with some left over Annie Sloan Antoinette pink chalk paint.

I picked off all of the baby pink tiles from the brownish sheet and combined them with the white ones to make a pastel pink garden drinks tray.

How to make a mosaic tiled tray

All you have to do with the mosaic tile glue is apply a coat to the base of the tile, wait a few seconds and then stick it straight onto your surface. No need for messy grout!

How to make a mosaic tiled tray

I decided to stick the tiles close together to form a smooth surface and no need for grouting.

How to make a mosaic tiled tray

All done and ready for pretty pink summer drinks and strawberries on my roof terrace!

How to make a mosaic tiled tray

How to make a mosaic tiled tray

What would you have made?

Thank you to Topps Tiles for the resources 🙂

Katy x

Blog hop

Featured portrait by: Katharine Peachey

What is a blog hop?

The lovely Melanie, who writes Geoffrey and Grace, asked me to take part in this blog hop, which is a way of discovering more about bloggers and a way to discover new blogs.  Melanie has asked me three questions and I have nominated two lovely bloggers to continue the blog hop and they in turn will do the same and so on. Do you get the idea?

You must pop over to Melanie’s blog as it is such a charming mix of beautiful photographs, crafty makes, vintage fabric and interiors and you can find out her answers to the following questions…

My answers

1)  What have been the makings at your desk in the last week?

I am currently in the middle of sprucing up a bare deck chair frame. I’m obsessed with being on our roof terrace at the moment and growing all things green so I want to have a lovely chair to relax in. I have sewn a new sling for the frame and then I’m going to make a Liberty print head cushion that will be featured on the Liberty blog in July – as you all know, I am completely obsessed with Liberty print! I’m also busy planning and preparing for my home office revamp so I’ve got an eBay bargain cabinet to up-cycle too! This is my desk as it looks at the moment…

My craft room

My desk.

2) Where are you currently finding your inspiration?

I always find this question so difficult to answer as I never really question or reflect on where my ideas come from as I just get really excited about something and start scribbling ideas and plans. When I am thinking about interiors I usually begin with an image I have built up in my head of what I want a room to look like. I then look in magazines, blogs, Pinterest and friends’ homes to find something similar to the image in my head, which makes it more real and this gives me new ideas too. I go from there to source the furniture and accessories. Without doubt, the planning stage is my favourite part of interior decoration.

Painting an MDF floor

A corner of my sitting room with my my G-Plan sideboard, vintage terrarium (find out how to plant one by clicking on the link) and vintage letterpress drawer mounted on the wall.

3) How important is being creative to you & how do you blend this with your work/life/family balance?

It has only been in the last couple of years that I have realised that I have a creative side; I always focused on being ‘academic’ at school and then went into teaching instead of following my dream to be an interior designer. I suppose I always believed the misconception that if you’re not good at ‘art’ or ‘drawing’ then you are not creative. I love how many different facets of creativity there are and challenging myself to explore as many different areas of creativity as possible. I have loved doing lots of different workshops and craft courses over the last year and that feeling of being immersed in a craft project on a quiet afternoon, whilst the radio plays in the background, is a bit magical. I suppose the most obvious way this blends into my home life is I am constantly making Jules help me with DIY projects or gardening and dragging him to an exhibition or event – “it’s for the blog, darling!”. He secretly really enjoys it; he’s now better at sewing than I am! I suppose one of the best things about creativity is it can blend seamlessly with every day life and it never feels like a chore.

My craft room

Craft storage solutions.

And now on to my hoppees…

I have chosen two lovely ladies that I met for the first time at Blogtacular and whose blogs offer something quite different to mine, as it’s always fun to explore new things.

Firstly, I would like to introduce you to Lucy from Capture By Lucy who is mum extraodinaire and comes up with the most creative and unique ideas for her kids, from party themes to packed lunches. Her blog is full of wonderful photographs that illustrate all of her amazing ideas. Lucy will publish her blog hop post on Tuesday 1st July.

Secondly, Lori from Wild and Grizzly who is super stylish and her blog is filled with stunning photographs that document her journey through motherhood. There’s a bit of design, interiors and travel along the way too – I love her edgy style. Lori will publish her blog hop post on Monday 30th June.


Katy x


91 magazine – new issue

Issue 9 of 91 Magazine is out now and if you haven’t already, you need to download a copy from Magzter! It is the perfect combination of beautiful interiors, crafts, styling tips and vintage goodness.  In this issue I got overly excited about getting a glimpse into Yvonne Eijkenduia‘s home and hearing all about her amazing vintage finds…

91 magazine review featuring Yvestown blogger

91 magazine review featuring Yvestown blogger

I also love the cover that features one of the gorgeous  creations by Lapin Blu

91 magazine issue 9 review

I have found out about so many great craft and vintage fairs through 91 including the Crafty Fox markets, which Emily Quinton tells us all about in this issue. There’s also a great feature by Laura of Circle of Pine Trees about Norweigan kitchenware as well as heaps of stuff I want to buy (no change there then).

Make a nice cup of tea, relax and read your copy now!

Katy x

P.S. Look out for a little feature by me in Issue 10 🙂


Painting MDF floor

During the Easter bank holiday, Jules and I committed to staying at home for three days whilst the rest of the family went down to Devon to celebrate (they took Otto, too) so that we could paint our floors. It was a mammoth job that covered our living room, kitchen and hallway that were all previously carpeted (except the kitchen where lino was laid). We had decided to buy a beautiful oak floor but after a £4000 quote we decided against it as we don’t plan on staying in this flat forever and other costs sprung up that took priority. However, it was important we got rid of the carpet, that I have always hated, as I can cope with nice, new, clean carpet but old, dirty, wrecked carpet is too much to bear (Otto is to blame for the wreckage!).

So, I impulsively ripped up the carpet in the hallway, saw that good quality MDF boards lay beneath, did a paint test and it worked! Decision made. Today, I want to share with you how we did it just in case anyone else out there is considering it to save themselves the cost of a new floor.

Sorry about the rubbish photos – when your hands are covered in paint it’s not very easy to take good shots.

Step one: Removing all furniture

This is the old carpet (shamefully dirty where the sofa was!). We had to put every single bit of furniture into the two bedrooms for the three days it took to paint.

Painting an MDF floor

Step two: Remove carpet and underlay

Painting an MDF floor

Step three: Lightly sand and hoover floor thoroughly

Doing a really light sand – we used a hand held orbital sander – helps the primer adhere to the MDF but it’s not entirely necessary.

Painting an MDF floor

Step four: Tape skirting boards and do two coats of MDF sealer/primer

It’s really important to use a sealer on MDF as if it absorbs water it swells. We used Johnstones MDF White Primerwhich acts as a sealer and primer. You have to wait about two hours between each coat as it is a quick drying paint.

Painting an MDF floor

Step five: Three coats of floor paint

Ideally I would have like to have painted the floor white but with a lot of traffic and a very muddy dog we decided it would be far more practical to go for a pale grey as this would disguise some of the dirt. We used International Floor Paint Palest Grey. This is a quick drying gloss paint so we only had to wait six hours between each coat (during which time we had to stay in the bedroom – a lot of box sets were watched!).

Painting an MDF floor

Step six: Wait three to five days to put your furniture back on the floor

We had to live in the bedroom for three more days, which wasn’t that fun, but worth it for the amount of money we saved.

Painting an MDF floor

I had always planned to buy a rug for the living room, which was easier said than done as I found it very difficult to find the perfect rug. However, after HOURS of trawling Etsy I finally found the perfect rug! I searched for ‘vintage Kilim rugs’ and they have an amazing selection.

Painting an MDF floor

And here is the finished floor with the rug…

Painting an MDF floor

Painting an MDF floor

Painting an MDF floor

I will show you the hallway in a separate post as it is STILL not finished as I’m STILL chasing the elusive perfect runner rug! However, for the last couple of months the new floor has been brilliant: hard wearing, easy to clean, water resistant, perfect blank canvas and makes the space feel so much bigger and brighter. Also, painitng it grey rather than white was definitely the right call as it does disguise a lot of the dirt. BOOM!

Katy x



Urban Jungle Bloggers: Greens in cafes, restaurants and shops

Last month’s Urban Jungle Bloggers topic was green window sills and balconies and I shared my cake dome filled with seedlings. However, May’s topic was greens in cafes, restaurants and shops and I was a little worried I wouldn’t be able to contribute as I’ve been trying to save a bit of money for my new home office, which meant no shopping or eating in restaurants! However, because we have a dog we are constantly out and about walking him whether it be in our local Southwark park or we regularly take him over to Richmond Park for a weekend swim in the lakes. Therefore, over the last week I have come across some lovely greens in cafes, restaurants and shops on our walks that I wanted to share with you as it may give you some inspiration for your own home and garden.

The first pics (all on my iPhone whilst trying to restrain a dog so not the best quality, I’m afraid) I took are from a Richmond Park walk when we stopped off at Petersham Nurseries. You can’t get much greener than this place; it is a restaurant and shop set within a nursery so you’re surrounded by plants and there’s even soil on the ground.

Urban Jungle Bloggers: Greens in cafes, restaurants and shops

As well as eat at Petersham Nurseries you can also buy beautiful plants and homewares.

Next, is an idea I love using at home, which is planting flowers or herbs in old food tins. I found these this morning at The Garrison on Bermondsey street (we treated ourselves to breakfast!).

Urban Jungle Bloggers: Greens in cafes, restaurants and shops

Urban Jungle Bloggers: Greens in cafes, restaurants and shops

We walked past a pub the other day on a River Path walk towards Rotherhithe. I had to stop and take a photo of the drain pipes they have erected on the facade of the pub, filled with soil and growing Nasturtiums from holes they have cut in the pipes. So pretty and such a great idea for the garden!Urban Jungle Bloggers: Greens in cafes, restaurants and shops

Urban Jungle Bloggers: Greens in cafes, restaurants and shops

And finally, I want to share a special place that we discovered last weekend in Rotherhithe, after a walk in Southwark Park. It’s a a roof top garden connected to the Brunel Museum, right next to the river. It’s a circular herb and vegetable garden called the Midnight Apothecary that serves cocktails and mocktails. They host a special saturday night event that costs £5 – you get entrance to the museum and the garden where you can drink cocktails and toast marshmallows in the central fire pit. It is magically lit with lots of little lights and I think it’s going to be my new favourite place.

Urban Jungle Bloggers: Greens in cafes, restaurants and shops

Yummy cocktails at Midnight Apothecary garden.

Urban Jungle Bloggers: Greens in cafes, restaurants and shops

Urban Jungle Bloggers: Greens in cafes, restaurants and shops

Urban Jungle Bloggers: Greens in cafes, restaurants and shops

The bar grows all it’s own herbs for the cocktails.

Thanks to Igor and Judith for their Urban Jungle Bloggers inspiration. You must all take a look at Igor’s lovely Boot cafe in Paris post and Judith’s post about the gorgeous plants in the Ally Capellino shop in Notting Hill.

Katy x