This is a little craft project you can do to light up parties and summer evenings (can not wait for those). I also thought it’s a nice thing to make for your mum for Mothers’ Day because if your mum is anything like mine, she will prefer something homemade (well, that’s what she says anyway). These little jam jar tea light holders are totally sweet and are hassle free as you use LED tea lights in them. This means when you have a party or drinks with the tea lights about your home or in the garden, you don’t have to waste time changing the candles when they burn out. They are also totally safe for all of you who have kinders running around.
You will need:

I’ve chosen to use a Bonne Maman jar (do you see what I’ve done there?) These jars are particularly good for this as they have no lip and the top of the jar is wider than the bottom so it’s easy to line with fabric.

LED tea lights. I bought six from Asda for £3. Buy here.

3. Cut your fabric into strips about 2-3cm wide. Make sure they are long enough to reach from the top of the jar to the middle of the bottom of the jar.

4. Dip your strips of material into the glue and water mixture. Use your thumb and finger to wipe off excess liquid.

5. Line the inside of the jar (print facing outwards) with each strip. Use your brush or a pencil to stick the strip down the inside of the jar.

6. This is what it should look like at the end. It does not matter if your fabric overlaps slightly.

The LED tea lights are really quite powerful and the fabric makes the light very warm and soft. Definitely going to make more of these for the balcony this summer.
Lucky for me I have the best mum in the world to give these to x
Well this is interesting. I really like this idea!
I think it would cheer me up no end and hopefully make me feel better if you were to make me one of these. I would love you forever. xxx
Just tell me what colour you would like xx
Such a simple idea with really elegant results-I love them – they will look beautiful in the garden at summer parties – at hardly any cost – really wonderful idea – already planning my mum’s birthday pressie with these 😉
I adore this idea and can vouch for its its being the prettiest thing. Cannot wait for the weather to show it off outside on a balmy evening,
Clever Katy!
I love these,,I am planning a lovely tea party in my garden this summer,,I will now be saving all my jars..
So pretty.